Monday, March 18, 2013

Big Announcement: Context Artist at Createasphere

Dear Readers!

I've now been given a column at Createasphere's Transmedia Coalition which is a fantastic blog comprised of 10 experts in narrative, business and production in the space. I'm extremely excited to be among them and to be a part of the Createasphere Community.

What does that mean for you dear readers? Will I stem the tide of rants and rambles here? Possibly. But probably not.

What this means is that I'll be posting there regularly, and when it's topical for this blog, I'll definitely link here. But when I see something that might be more personal or ranty, I'll still post it here if it doesn't exactly match up with the pro-tips context of transmedia storytelling that the Transmedia Coalition is going to be about. So, if you want to see more of my thoughts on the business of transmedia storytelling, emergent business models and distributed communciations systems, be sure to ALSO follow over at Createasphere, but still check in here for your regularly highly unscheduled thoughts on media directed at women and girls.

So, in response to Beautiful Creatures? How Did I Miss This? my first post over there is:

"Hollywood has a number of YA novel-based properties slated for release in 2013 (Mortal Instruments, The Host) green lit at the apex of fan clamor for Twilight and The Hunger Games. What can be done to help these projects meet better fates?"
You can always check on my twitter feed where I'll post it all: @Caitlin_Burns

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